Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February Playlist!

Helloooo! :)

One thing you guys need to know about me is I'm a teeny bit music obsessed, I listen to music ALL the time. I have headphones in or I'm humming or singing. I'm in our high school choir and I'm also learning the Brahms Requiem in German with a college choir, to later perform with a symphony orchestra! All that to say, I love music. So I thought it would be fitting if I posted playlists! I'll try to do one every month at the very least, so if music is your thing, check back! :)

My first song for this month is.. *drumroll* 

1) Downhere- Let Me Rediscover You ~ Downhere played their last show at Youth Quake this weekend :'( They've been one of my favorite Christian bands for as long as I can remember. Sad to see them go! 

listen to this!

2) City and Color - The Girl ~ I came across this on 8tracks (favorite app, ever!) and fell in LOVE. I'm a sucker for a good love song. :)


3) Jonathan Clay - Heart on Fire ~ 8tracks again. It was also in the movie LOL. (which is also really good!) Such a great song!

I'm such a good song!

4) The Beatles - Yesterday - I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Beatles. <3 (this version is live and perrrfeeectt!) I've gotta say Paul is my favorite. Who's yours?!



5) Green Day - Oh Love ~ I'm a big fan of Green Day. I always listen to this when I walk my dog.. 

Wow. You seem like the type to love this song. CLICK.

6) Gabrielle Aplin - Please Don't Say You Love Me ~ iTunes has a free song every week and I try my best to download them in every week in hopes of finding a song as good as this! 

Please listen to me.

7) Lana Del Rey - Paris ~ Such a groovy, wicked, awesome, cool song. I love LANAAA.

Paris Paris Paris..

8) Ludwig Van Beethoven - Midnight Sonata ~ How do you even say sonata?? I found this song because of Lana actually, I'll put a link to it as well down there. It's so pretty, kinda haunting. I'm trying to learn it on the piano as well! 


Also, this is smashing.

9) The Beatles - PS I Love You ~ LOVE The Beatles. 

I love youuuu!

10) The Beatles - Twist and Shout ~ ..hope I'm not over doing it with The Beatles. hehe.

But seriously. GAAAH

11) LP - Into The Wild ~ My uncle was visiting a while back and he played this song for my parents and I. I listened to it seriously 15 times in a row. not even sorry! Such a GREAT SONG.


Well that's it for this playlist! I'll link my 8tracks down below! I have yet to actually make a  playlist on it, but I know where some good ones are at ;) 



>>> here's ma 8tracks. you should prolly give that a follow. 


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