Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February Playlist!

Helloooo! :)

One thing you guys need to know about me is I'm a teeny bit music obsessed, I listen to music ALL the time. I have headphones in or I'm humming or singing. I'm in our high school choir and I'm also learning the Brahms Requiem in German with a college choir, to later perform with a symphony orchestra! All that to say, I love music. So I thought it would be fitting if I posted playlists! I'll try to do one every month at the very least, so if music is your thing, check back! :)

My first song for this month is.. *drumroll* 

1) Downhere- Let Me Rediscover You ~ Downhere played their last show at Youth Quake this weekend :'( They've been one of my favorite Christian bands for as long as I can remember. Sad to see them go! 

listen to this!

2) City and Color - The Girl ~ I came across this on 8tracks (favorite app, ever!) and fell in LOVE. I'm a sucker for a good love song. :)


3) Jonathan Clay - Heart on Fire ~ 8tracks again. It was also in the movie LOL. (which is also really good!) Such a great song!

I'm such a good song!

4) The Beatles - Yesterday - I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Beatles. <3 (this version is live and perrrfeeectt!) I've gotta say Paul is my favorite. Who's yours?!



5) Green Day - Oh Love ~ I'm a big fan of Green Day. I always listen to this when I walk my dog.. 

Wow. You seem like the type to love this song. CLICK.

6) Gabrielle Aplin - Please Don't Say You Love Me ~ iTunes has a free song every week and I try my best to download them in every week in hopes of finding a song as good as this! 

Please listen to me.

7) Lana Del Rey - Paris ~ Such a groovy, wicked, awesome, cool song. I love LANAAA.

Paris Paris Paris..

8) Ludwig Van Beethoven - Midnight Sonata ~ How do you even say sonata?? I found this song because of Lana actually, I'll put a link to it as well down there. It's so pretty, kinda haunting. I'm trying to learn it on the piano as well! 


Also, this is smashing.

9) The Beatles - PS I Love You ~ LOVE The Beatles. 

I love youuuu!

10) The Beatles - Twist and Shout ~ ..hope I'm not over doing it with The Beatles. hehe.

But seriously. GAAAH

11) LP - Into The Wild ~ My uncle was visiting a while back and he played this song for my parents and I. I listened to it seriously 15 times in a row. not even sorry! Such a GREAT SONG.


Well that's it for this playlist! I'll link my 8tracks down below! I have yet to actually make a  playlist on it, but I know where some good ones are at ;) 



>>> here's ma 8tracks. you should prolly give that a follow. 


4th times the charm?!


I partied hard this weekend. Before you base your first impression of me on this, know that it was at a Christian youth retreat called Youth Quake and I'm 14. So not your typical partying.

There's two things right there that you need to know about me; I'm fourteen and a Christian. I'll tell you more :) My name is Adri, I'm the oldest in my family of five girls and I'm very short. (5'3 tops) I LOVE thrift shopping and popcorn. I have braces and freckles. Going to movies, plays and musicals are among some of my favorite things to do. That's just a little about me! Keep reading if you want to know more.. ;)

Back to the partying.. Youth Quake happens every year in February (50 years this year!) and people come from all over. There is concerts, speakers, horse back riding, inflatables, the list goes on! It's super duper fun but exhausting! Since it's Family Day here in Canada, I had the day off. Thank goodness! I slept till noon (to make up for 7 hours of sleep all weekend) and woke up to find to find my voice very croaky. I spent the day lounging around in my comfiest pants, my new Beatles shirt ( <3 ) and my hair up in braids. I watched YouTube videos and was inspired by one of my besties to start a blog! (I'll put a link to her new blog at the end!)

So here I am now! Blogging! AHHH. I've tried blogging before and.. well.. it hasn't gone good. Hence the title of this post, "4th times the charm?!" This is my fourth blog! I'm super duper excited to be back to blogging. Fingers crossed it goes better this time around! :) :) 


Adri :) 

link to Rachel's blog >>> http://moonbeamsandmermaids.blogspot.ca/